It's a chilly, rainy fall day and I was thinking about what could make me feel better about the weather. I know it's all part of the changing seasons in Minnesota, and I look forward to the upcoming holidays and seeing our boys. I know the changing seasons is all part of the normal cycle of weather. In fact fall is one of my favorite seasons, and I used to enjoy many outdoor winter activities - just not so much as I get older. This is one of the main reasons we are exploring areas to spend our winters once the holidays are over (see our Texas 2021 posts).
Then it hit me; I love sunsets. Just looking at past photos makes me feel good. Especially sunsets over water. So I dug through my google photos archive for the best sunsets in my catalog since 2018. Ironically, the first ones are from our first lake place, on Big Kandiyohi Lake and the last is from where we live currently, in Cold Spring. No filters. Honest. I may did through older photos eventually - but for now, enjoy. You know, sunrises can be pretty cool too...
Big Kandiyohi Lake, Lake Lillian, MN August 2018
Kira @ Big Kandiyohi Lake, Lake Lillian, MN August 2018
Chamberlain, SD September 2018
Poipu Beach, Kauai, January 2019
Georgetown, Grand Cayman, April 2019
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, October 2019
Biloxi, MS, November 2020
Biloxi, MS, November 2020
Matagorda Bay Nature Park, Matagorda, TX, February 2021
Marietta, OK, March 2021
 | Great Northern Lake, Cold Spring, MN, June 2021
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